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Safeguarding poster

- Wednesday 20 November, 2024
Hertfordshire have update their details of how to refer a child to children´s services

OFSTED - updated contact details

- Wednesday 20 November, 2024
Ofsted have updated their poster to show a new contact number for parents.


- Friday 15 November, 2024

Working Together for Your Children

As part of the EYFS, all early years settings will carry out a progress check when a child is between 2 and 3 years of age. This check will identify a child's strength and any areas where a child's progress is less than expected. We will discuss this with the parent/carer and talk about ways we and you can help your child to progress. When your child starts at St John's, we will spend time talking to you about your child's needs and how we can best support you and your child during your time with us.

How parents take part in the playgroup

At St John's we recognise and respect that parents are children's first and most enduring educators. When parents and practitioners work together in early year's settings, the results have a positive impact on children's development and learning. All families are welcomed and valued at St John's and we appreciate families are different and may speak more than one language at home.

There are many ways in which parents take part in making the playgroup a welcoming and stimulating place for children and parents, such as:
  • exchanging knowledge about their children's needs, activities, interests and progress with the staff;
  • sharing their own special interests with the children e.g show the children clothes worn by different cultures (Saris etc) - as part of exploring Diwali;
  • supporting the playgroup by becoming a representative on behalf of other parents;
  • joining in community activities in which the playgroup takes part such as the Potters Bar carnival, sponsored events and our teddy bears picnic;
  • parents have brought in pets (dog, gerbil, bird, tortoise, rabbit etc) - as part of our pets topic;
  • parents and family members have brought in and played instruments (tuba, guitar, flute, bass and piano) during 'hearing' week in 'ourselves' topic.

Key worker system

At St John's Nursery Playgroup we operate a key worker system. This means that each member of staff has a group of children for whom they are particularly responsible. Your child's key worker will work with you to make sure your child settles into playgroup as smoothly as possible and that we provide activities that is right for your child's particular needs and interests. Please feel free to talk with your child's key worker about their achievements or if you have any concerns. The leader or manager is also available at any time to discuss any concerns you may have.

Records of Achievement - Learning Journals

Your child's keyworker keeps a record of achievement in the form of a "learning journal" for each child. The learning journal contains observations, photographs and examples of your child's learning during their time at playgroup. We would like parents to keep us informed of their child's needs, activities, interests and achievements and would encourage families to contribute to their children's learning journals. This information will enable the key worker to identify your child's stage of progress.

We offer parent consultations twice a year and parents can view their child's journal at any time. We provide each child with their learning journal and a report when they leave for their next setting; this should assist you as a parent and their next educator to understand their progress so far.
Registered Charity Number: 1130633