30 Hours Free

We are offering the 30 hours free childcare!

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Summer 2024 Newsletter

- Tuesday 02 July, 2024
Please see our newsletter for the summer term.

Easter event 2024

- Wednesday 10 April, 2024

Spring 2024 Newsletter

- Wednesday 10 April, 2024
Please see this newsletter for topics, term dtes and news

Our Fees

Government funding is available for ALL children aged 3 years and over for up to 15 hours per week. Free funding will commence the term after a child turns 3 i.e. by 31 August for the Autumn term; by 31 December for the Spring Term or by 31 March for the Summer Term. If you are receiving certain benefits you could be eligible for15 hours of funding for your 2 year old. These hours can be used flexibly according to your needs. For children under 3 years, fees are charged by the session (see below). We welcome payment via childcare vouchers and bank transfers too.

The Government has introduced new funding for children. The best way to find out which funding and what financial support you can receive for your child’s place is to login to www.childcarechoices.gov.uk as the criteria changes regularly. For most of the funding streams you will need to register through the childcare choices website the TERM BEFORE your child reaches their eligibility.

From 1 April 2024 the two year offer has been extended to eligible working families;

From September 2024 up to 15 hours for eligible working families with children 9-24 months

From September 2025 up to 30 hours for eligible working families with a child from 9months to school age.

Please speak to the Manager in confidence if you think this applies to your family.

St John's Nursery Playgroups are offering the 30 Hours free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds which started in September 2017. You will need to go through the eligibility checker on the Government website to find out if you are eligible www.childcarechoices.gov.uk.

We do require half a terms notice if your child is leaving with any fees duly paid up to date.

At St John's we also provide a Lunch Club running from 12 to 1pm every day. See our current fees (below), to be paid weekly or half termly in advance or as part of the flexible entitlement.

Current Fees (Price per Session)

8.55-11.55Morning Session 3 hours Mon - Fri22.50
12.00-15.00Afternoon Session 3 hours Mon - Friday22.50
08.55-15.00All day 6 hours Mon - Friday45.00
11.55-12.55Lunch Club Mon - Friday7.50

Registered Charity Number: 1130633