Parents' Information
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Parents' Comments
Dear Parent
At St John´s we are continually trying to improve the service and provision that we provide you and your child/ren. We value feedback both the positive and of course any suggestion that you would like to offer to improve what we do. We would appreciate it if you would take a few minutes and complete this short questionnaire and return it.
1. Please comment on the report, the journal and information it provides
Lovely to see progress over time. Good detail reports and describes lots of those developments. Loved reading them. Updates on progression in depth. Love seeing what they get up to at playgroup. Loved reading the conversations, photos noted in the journal. Personalities and good insight to what they do.
Please provide a comment for your child?s keyworker (have they supported you and your child.?) Have they been helpful and kind? Are they knowledgeable and understand your child?)
Very happy, amazing, supportive, kind, good reflection of teaching my child and a good mentor, understanding, like another family member, my child supported well by other keyworkers whilst my child?s keyworker was absent, wonderful relationship, patient, helped my child gain more confidence
2. Did the report help you to understand your child?s development?
Yes, clear to see progression, most definitely, helpful
3. Have you found the parent consultations helpful?
Yes, can talk in more detail about progression, support at home
4. Is your child happy to come to playgroup?
Yes, always, most of the time, this year a struggle because I feel he is ready to move on. Plays up in the mornings because he insists on having story time at home with mummy, most definitely, of course
5. What do you think we do really well?
Taking my child and diverting his attention, traditional methods of learning, very committed team, caring, safe & warm and nurturing environment, good learning & teaching
6. What can we improve?
Prompting with fluids, mid-year teachers/parents social, nothing, nothing fantastic nursery, inform parents if keyworker will be off for a longer time, have a bigger outdoor play area, nothing sad to leave
7. Have you been able to raise any concerns or questions with your keyworker? Ie around your child?s development?
Yes, if needed, always available, yes concerns always discussed, only for toilet, always show awareness & given support, yes, approachable, yes very easily, yes discussed to help my child to form relationships & come out of nappies, all points taken on board, yes but not needed to8. Is there anything more that you you?re your child?s key person or playgroup staff could do to support your child?
No, fantastic teaching, support is great, we believe they did their best, no, every staff shows a positive attitude
9. Do you feel you have been able to communicate with your child keyworker when you needed to?
Yes, definitely, of course, there to talk to if needed, approachable staff
10. Was the keyworker or another member of staff able to answer any queries you had about your child?
Yes always someone to communicate with and messages passed on to keyworker, professional, all staff helpful and now all children well11. If/when your child started potty training, were you happy how we supported you and your child?
Yes, satisfied, she goes independently now I?m very proud, yes helped us alot12. Are you happy with the communication that the playgroup provides (newsletter, notice board, hand-outs, face to face, website etc.)?
Yes, yes, yes news letters, emails, face to face, very useful, love the posts on Facebook, WhatsApp?s, as my child doesn?t tell me much or makes up stories,13. Have you been satisfied with the way the Leadership team manage the Playgroup?
Do you have any other questions, comments or suggestions you wish to make?
Yes, both very approachable, always welcoming, smiley, any concerns I can always talk to them, absolutely very professional, extremely, so far yes, yes thank you,
Thankyou for all that you do, advice on how I can get emotional support for my child(AP), staff and structure of St Johns of the nursery is excellent, incredibly happy and all staff are fantastic and exceed every aspect, very grateful for all the help we will miss the team, thank you for your love and care, more writing letters and words and phonics for my child, the staff will have a special place in our hearts forever, just keep doing what you do, cant thank you enough, you take the needs of all children into consideration, my child has come out of himself and that?s down to your support and care.Responses to Questionnaire July 2022